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Sales Reports
Sales Reports Plus


Sales Reports Comparison

Choose the right Sales Report for you. Use our comparison table to determine which option will best meet your needs!


Ideal for…

Low- to medium-volume sellers who want sales and fee summaries

Medium- to high-volume sellers who want more in-depth information to determine selling strategies


  Key Performance Metrics

Total Sales

Listings Summary: e.g.., Ended Listings, Successful Listings (%), Average Sale Price per Listing

Items Summary: e.g., Ended Items, Successful Items (%), Average Sale Price per Item

  Fees & Credits

Total eBay & PayPal Fees
Breakdown of eBay Fees
Shops Referral Credits
Reported Unpaid Item Credits

  Buyer Statistics

# Total Buyers
# Unique Buyers
% Repeat Buyers

  Category Performance

Sales by Category (lowest level)

Sales by Category AND Format

  Listing Strategy

Key Performance Metrics by: Format (Online Auction, Fixed Price, Shop Inventory)

Ending Day or Time (All Formats)

Duration (Online Auctions)


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Subscription Fee


Weekly *

€4.99 / month

  Free for Shops

* Weekly reports provided for sales and fee summaries only